Thursday, January 2, 2014

Only to be Jesus

Steady as a preacher, free as a weed. That's my motto. Do what's right and live in the freedom of Christ. My motto is currently being challenged by the idea that freedom in Christ is secondary to submitting to one another out of reverence for Him and fostering unity among man. I'm getting married in a week, and there's no doubt that this has all come up because of God. I don't know if I'm supposed to be learning to submit my life to others or hold to my principles and beliefs, or somehow both, but it has completely disrupted my plans for a stable and zen time of preparation for married life. In a way, I'm being prepared for marriage better than I could have ever planned. I a quickly needing to learn exactly what I believe about Jesus' character and what God says is right and wrong as well as how to submit to others in love. Unity and truth are going to be key in marriage, and Jesus is giving me a crash course in their wisdom. I started writing earlier tonight and this is what came out: 

My life is a breath in time.
Quickly it goes. Swift enough to be forgotten.
So what am I charged with in a fleeting existence?
To do good.
Serve God. Serve God as though you have no goals for your own life.
Die to yourself: give up everything that you claim rights to. Sacrifice yourself for the sake of making your entire being into the workings of Jesus.

My hands, only to be the hands of Jesus.
My mind, only to be the mind of Jesus,
My words, only to be the words of Jesus,

In every moment ask yourself: “How can I do good? How can I be Jesus here and now?”

Commune with God and pray without ceasing.
Keep your ears and eyes open for needs that need filling.
Speak words that are the words of Jesus.

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