Friday, March 2, 2012

Chapter 2 - First

           "You are my sweetest downfall.
            I loved you first."

             He was standing at the bus stop with a twenty-dollar bill in his pocket and four hundred miles of road behind him, when a small woman walked over to stand next to him. She pulled out a cigarette, lit it with a careless ease, and she looked over at him as she waved the smoke from her face.
            “Do you mind if I smoke?” She asked. He turned his head toward her and observed her top to bottom then back up. She raised an eyebrow at him.
            “I don’t mind.” He told her and looked back at the road. The evening was gray and cold, taxi cabs rolled by them in a hurry, and she kept her eyes on him and breathed in heavily on her cigarette. She smiled.
            “What’s your name, stranger?” Her voice was deep and alluring and he hated her instantly, but he answered nonetheless.
            “Samson.” He stared at the road.
            She sighed heavily and shifted her weight to her other hip.
            “Samson, there seems to be something on your mind.” His face took on hard anger and she leaned into his line of vision, “And it has nothing to do with my suggestively displayed bosom. Come,” she gestured and walked behind him, “step into my office. I promise I’ll sit a good three feet from you.” She chuckled to herself and walked into the bus stop enclosure. He didn’t move. The air bit a little and she didn’t say anything else.
            He watched the busses and the oily water they splashed up as they went by. He saw the low light reflecting off the metal buildings and smelled the smog in the air. The minutes droned on and his anger began to ebb into exhaustion. He glanced down, then walked into the bus enclosure and sat down. The woman looked at him.
            “No.” He responded. There was a long silence as she observed him.
            “I’m Delilah.” She said boisterously, leaning toward him from a good three feet of promised space away. “What do you think of me, Samson?” He considered her high heels and her low top. He considered her black eyes and the smoke wafting his direction from her lips. He considered the women he had put stock in to be mature and loving, to be good and honest and he made his assessment. He looked her direction.
            “I think you’re as good a lady I’ve ever seen.” She looked at him very still and without smiling; her demeanor had dropped. So had his. A solemn moment had passed between them and all honesty was trusted to ensue.
            “Buy me a drink.” She demanded calmly.
            “Where’s the nearest liquor store?” She looked at him unsure. “We’ll take it to go.” The edges of her mouth curled up and she laughed out loud as she stood up and gestured for him to follow. A large bus pulled up and made a ruckus of coming to a complete stop. Exhaust poured out the back and the doors opened. He stood and looked at her.
            “Was there somewhere you were going to go?” He asked. She shook her head at him casually.
            “Nope.” She replied. 

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